Nothing should get in the way of your fire safety procedures

Members of staff are often pretty happy to complain about fire alarm tests and fire drills - they’ve got work to do and they’ve got a state of mind to preserve! However, the odd gripe from a member of staff about the volume of your fire alarm system or the hassle of trooping out into the car park for a drill is nothing compared to potential consequences of not following those essential procedures.

It’s not difficult to imagine a scenario in which an untested fire alarm system fails no-one notices until it’s too late. It’s not difficult to imagine a situation wherein your fire alarm system works perfectly in an emergency situation either, but your staff don’t know what to do or where to go because they’ve not been sufficiently drilled in an orderly escape.

In both cases, your lack of proper procedural care and management could costs lives and a whole lot of material damage. This is why it’s always a good to take those little complaints on the chin and laugh them off. There’s no substitute for a proactive attitude towards fire safety in the workplace and nothing ought to get in the way of your operations in this department.
